City Council
Baldwin City Council is comprised of a mayor and five at-large city council members. As the policy makers, the city council: Appoints citizens to advisory commissions and boards Approves the budget Passes resolutions and ordinances If you are interested in becoming a city council member or elected official, please visit the Douglas County website for additional information...
Council livestream available here.
Term: 4 years
Meeting schedule: Meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Baldwin City Library
Appointments made by: Public election
All Council Meetings are livestreamed if possible. To get notifications when meetings are live, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
Council People
Term Expires
Contact Casey at csimoneau@baldwincity.gov.
Contact Scott at slauridsen@baldwincity.gov.
Contact Julie at jconstantinescu@baldwincity.gov.
Contact Susan at spitts@baldwincity.gov.
Council Member

Contact Cory at cvenable@baldwincity.gov.
Minutes and Agendas